Two weeks late to the party, but Happy New Year everyone! It's been a strange few weeks for me but I think I've gotten it out of my system. I went against my original schedule, dropping a lot of plans, and went on a creativity break instead. Physically did not touch the Wacom nor the sketchbook until quite recently. It was quite a cleansing experience, like a good clean break.
Anyone failed their New Year's resolutions yet?
Funnily enough, for me, I decided to start picking up old things instead of new ones this year. For the past two or three years I've sacrificed most of my free time (and one or two university courses) to get good in art. The highlights of 2017 and 2018 has been mostly my own art progress but in doing so I've dropped a lot of different things I used to enjoy or was interested in before: specifically writing and, as I've rediscovered a while back, game developing for the latter.
So this year I've made a more thought of schedule of projects to "get back into shape". Some will take a longer time, some will take shorter. Regardless, I plan to fix my biggest mistake in 2018: undisciplined schedules and procrastination. I hope 2019 will be a year of action and not false hopes.
Best of luck to everyone!
A "New Year" painting I never finished. Perfect conclusion for 2018
Summary of 2018: Got a working game but is yet to be fully finished until the next long vacation, designed a little website but is still too broken to use, engaged in community art projects (namely Inktober and about halfway for OCember here)
Expectations for 2019: Get started on a new game (there's an actual team now), rewrite an old story into a complete book (not for publishing), start finishing things on time with better schedules.